GM case_2
Feb 28 Case Scenario..... Hi,I am G.Amulya,3rd BDS student.This is an online eblog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent.this also reflux my patient centered online learning portfolio CASE HISTORY Patient detail A 56 years old male , occupation-farmer, resident of lingotam presented with CHIEF COMPLAINT Wound on his middle toe of left leg since one month Pain of that toe since one week Fever since one week HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Patient was apparently asymptomatic one month backand had injury on his toe of left leg during his farming work,leading to infection_ firstly it was a small ulcer bt next it starts progressing day by day and discharging pus Pain- aggrevieting since one week Fever-patient is suffering with high grade fever, continuous all the day, but relievingon medication,fever associated with chills and shivering. PAST HISTORY Diabetic-since 7 years, On injectables(insulin) Hypertension-since 7 years Came to know